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1 new scene with Brittany at the Gym, with several variations and animations, is a random event that occurs when you go to work out at the gym where Brittany works.1 new scene with Bernice at the Beach, with several variations and animations.Some savegames may become incompatible due to changes in game mechanics.Classes are no longer mandatory, only the test to get a positive grade.Change in the color system of the options for information icons.1 Remake scene with Linda (Bed Thighfuck scene).1 new scene with Celeste, with several variations and animations.1 new scene with Olivia, with several variations and animations.Fixed the text where Gypsy’s lines were swapped.Layout of the game’s main HUD has been customized and improved.A bug in Molly’s “Watch the class” scene has been fixed.Bugfix where changing your name on the game settings would hide the Textbox forever sometimes.Android version now has 50% of the common image quality (1920×1080).Fix some save games not being compatible.A remade scene of Linda with more animations.3 new scenes with Gypsy, with variations and animation.New intro with new artwork has been inserted into the game.

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